Hearing Loss Has Many Serious Permanent Psychological Implications for Service Members

Army Earplug Lawsuit News

Thousands of US military personnel returned home from active duty combat in Iraq and Afghanistan with life-altering hearing loss

Tuesday, May 28, 2019 - Some were no doubt killed in combat because the 3M army earplugs malfunctions rendering American soldiers deaf in the heat of battle from sudden IED explosions. Many of the returning veterans have filed suit against 3M, the manufacturer of the faulty Army earplug not only for causing them significant hearing loss and rendering them permanently disabled but also for punitive damages due to the fact 3M knew their earplugs would not fit everyone and failed to warn the military. The 3M army earplug was trusted and relied upon as standard issued military equipment. Military personnel around the country that are suffering from hearing damage are hiring army earplug lawyers and filing claims against 3M.

Hearing loss not only hampers a person's ability to function physically but also can be a terrible and psychologically debilitating medical problem. Hearing loss can affect every aspect of one's life including every hour that they try to sleep. According to Hearing Aid Healthcare.com, "Hearing loss can wreak havoc on a person's total well being, as the physical reality brings about the loss and the psychological reality prevents people from dealing with it." Hearing loss impairs a person's ability to keep up with conversations causing frustration and anxiety.

Hear-it.org provides a comprehensive list of some extreme psychological disorders that can arise from returning home from military action or otherwise suffering hearing impairment. The frustration of not being able to participate in conversation can lead to a "social phobia" preventing a person from going out and participating in social events that are not absolutely necessary. Being required to engage in social situations can trigger "panic attacks" or fear of the embarrassment being exposed as hearing impaired may cause. Not being able to easily communicate with co-workers or family members can lead to a "personality disorder" and change the once easy-going demeanor of a person into one that angers easily. Finally, many service members have successfully proven that their hearing loss has triggered a condition known as "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder' (PTSD). PTSD can cause random "flashbacks" that invoke a sense of reliving traumatic events of the past as well as many of the conditions listed above.

In addition to developing hearing loss from explosions in the heat of battle, service members are reporting that the 3M Army earplug failed them on the rifle range as well. According to the American Speech Hearing Language Association, "Firearms Are Loud. Exposure to noise greater than 140 dB can permanently damage hearing. Almost all firearms create noise that is over the 140-dB level. ... People who do not wear hearing protection while shooting can suffer a severe hearing loss with as little as one shot." Millions of the US Army and Marines are required to participate in shooting practice on a regular basis to qualify to keep a badge of recognition they may have earned. Those that pass the marksmanship training course earn and can display the Army marksmanship or sharpshooter badge. More qualification and active duty awards mean more frequent promotions better assignments, and more income.

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Lawsuits for Defective 3M Earplugs

Filing a lawsuit will allow you to hold 3M accountable for damage it has caused you or a loved one, while also providing real compensation for your medical expenses, suffering and loss. Contact us today for a free consultation.