Servicemen Describe Hearing Loss Caused By The 3M Army Earplug

Army Earplug Lawsuit News

More than 2.7 million US soldiers are receiving benefits for combat-related hearing loss due to the defective 3M Army Earplug

Monday, April 22, 2019 - Last month an article published by CBS News provided new insight into the degree of suffering that US Army personnel have had to endure due to the fraud and negligence of government defense contractor Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, better known as 3M. The company told Army personnel fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan that the earplugs they were issued would protect them from the loud noise and explosive sounds that occur during military training, exercises, and combat. Unfortunately, the 3M Army earplugs did not fit all ear sizes and as a result, failed to block out concussive sounds causing thousands of soldiers to lose their hearing to one degree or another.

Most of 3M's nearly 3 million army earplug victims suffering from a constant ringing in the ears called Tinnitus, a maddening condition that drives many of its sufferers to thoughts of suicide. Tinnitus is a high-pitched ringing that begins when other noises stop and there should be silence. Tinnitus patients suffer sleep deprivation and are forced to sleep with the television or radio on. Most soldiers stationed in Iraq regularly fired rifles, and rockets, or were in close proximity to those that were, and were led to believe that losing one's hearing was "par for the course" according to CBS News. Army Earplug lawsuit attorneys representing united states veterans harmed from using defective Army Earplugs offer a free consultation before filing a claim.

Servicemen deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan reported joining the military out of a sense of patriotism instilled from the 911 World Trade incident. The soldiers were of the impression that they were getting the best equipment possible and that the earplugs would save their hearing. One serviceman that experienced hearing damage was quoted as saying "We've just been told that this is the equipment you get and it's the best out there. It's gonna save your hearing. Later on, we found out that it didn't really protect our hearing that much at all." that according to CBS. CBS reports that "the second he stops hearing sounds when it's quiet, is when the ringing gets loudest. "What is quiet? What's peace? I know for me personally, I don't have it. All I hear is ringing if there's no noise around me," he said. "If I do not have noise around me, it's maddening. It is torture."

Lawsuits filed against 3M allege that the company was aware of the defect in the earplugs and that the fitting instructions were illegally tampered with without disclosing any of this to the Army. It is alleged that this omission was done deliberately to increase company profits without regard to the consumer's safety. The unique feature of the earplugs in question that was explained to soldiers was that the earplug proprietary design fitted them to be inserted deep into the ear canal, blocking sounds above a certain decibel level but allowing normal battlefield voice communications to be heard.

The soldiers suing 3M claim that with all of the other items that a soldier has to worry about, including physical safety and well-being, hearing loss was well down on the list. CBS reports " According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, tinnitus is the most common disability experienced by veterans with over 2.7 million receiving benefits for it." 3M continues to provide billions of dollars of safety devices to military personnel and denies that the Army earplugs were defective.

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Lawsuits for Defective 3M Earplugs

Filing a lawsuit will allow you to hold 3M accountable for damage it has caused you or a loved one, while also providing real compensation for your medical expenses, suffering and loss. Contact us today for a free consultation.