US Army Will Use 3D Printing To Create Individual Custom Fitting Ear Protection Devices

Army Earplug Lawsuit News

3D printed customizable army earplugs may be coming soon

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 - The US Army is taking their soldier's hearing safety preparations into their own hands since the debacle surrounding the failures of the 3M Dual-Sided Combat Army Earplug rendered tens of thousands of soldiers with various degrees of hearing impairment serious enough for them to require lifetime disability income and other benefits. Going forward, each soldier could have their outer and inner ear individually molded and custom ear protection created instantly using 3D printing. The army understands that effective hearing protection is essential for soldiers whose tasks require them to be around loud machinery like jet engines and gunfire on the rifle practice range.

Army scientist from the US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory acknowledges that soldiers that experience a combat hearing loss event can be rendered instantly vulnerable to enemy attack by being disoriented and also unable to hear critical battlefield communications. Thousands of soldiers may have died this way in Afghanistan and Iraq due to the negligence of 3M Inc., selling the defective Dual-Sided Combat Army Earplug which did not fit the individual ear size specifications for soldiers. Hearing damage is the leading reason veterans have filed for disability income.

According to, 3D printing requires that the outer ear is molded however molding materials can enter deep into the ear and cause hearing damage itself. The solution the army has come up with is to use digital scanning methods to produce precise measurements without the risks of the traditional molding in cases where that is possible. After digitally scanning the inner ear, a soldier's "ear print" is used to create the 3D model in-house and sent to a manufacturer to be made. While the technology of digitally scanning the inner ear to provide data to create the 3D earplug is promising, it is not quite ready to be implemented and for the time being, will be used in conjunction with traditional inner-ear molding.

The need for more effective hearing protection has never been greater than it is now in the wake of the 3M Army Earplug debacle. Over 100,000 soldiers have filed suit against 3M claiming that the faulty army earplug that they were told was reliable by the manufacturer allowed loud noises to enter and produce hearing damage and also tinnitus, the constant, maddening ringing in one's ears. Veterans with tinnitus find it difficult to sleep and need to keep a fan or TV on all night to compete with the constant ringing in their ears. Veterans and active-duty soldiers have hired Army Earplug Lawyers who have filed claims on their behalf seeking compensation for lost wages of not being able to hold a job and the pain and suffering of not being able to have normal social relationships with their spouses and children. Attorneys representing US vets claim that 3M, the manufacturer of the failed army earplugs had a responsibility to the US military and taxpayer to supply a product that would protect soldier's hearing, instruct them on its proper usage, and warn them of the potential for malfunction. 3M's defense counters by claiming the company has met minimum military standards and should not be held liable as it was the government's obligation to test the product any further.

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Lawsuits for Defective 3M Earplugs

Filing a lawsuit will allow you to hold 3M accountable for damage it has caused you or a loved one, while also providing real compensation for your medical expenses, suffering and loss. Contact us today for a free consultation.